Before loading ads, it is necessary to initialize ONEAdMax.
The ONEAdMaxClient.Initialize() should only be performed once during the initial setup.
...usingONEAdMax;...publicclassONEAdMaxDemo:MonoBehaviour{privatestaticbool _isInitialized =false;voidStart() {if (!_isInitialized) { // Initialize the ONEAdMax SDK.ONEAdMaxClient.Initialize(() => { // This callback is called once the ONEAdMax SDK is initialized. _isInitialized =true }); } }}
Interstitial Ads Sample Code
You can create an instance of OAMInterstitial and extend its functionality by handling events.
Creating an instance of Interstitial Ads.
publicclassInterstitialAdController:MonoBehaviour{ OAMInterstitial _interstitialAd; /// <summary> /// Creates the ad. /// </summary>publicvoidCreateInterstitialAd() {Debug.Log("Creating Interstitial ad.");if (_interstitialAd !=null) {Debug.LogWarning("Already have a Interstitial ad.");return; } _interstitialAd =newOAMInterstitial(); }}
Custom options for Interstitial Ads (optional).
/// <summary>/// Customization of the ads screen./// </summary>/// <seealsocref="CustomExtraKey"/>/// <paramname="ad"><seecref="OAMInterstitial"/></param>privatevoidSetCustomExtras(OAMInterstitial ad){var customExtras =newDictionary<CustomExtraKey,object> { // Change interstitial ad background color and transparency (Defaults to "#FF000000") { CustomExtraKey.BACKGROUND_COLOR,"#FF000000" }, // Set whether to show a close button in the top right corner of the interstitial ad. (Defaults to false) { CustomExtraKey.HIDE_CLOSE_BTN,false }, // Change to False to provide a margin based on the ad image. (Defaults to true) { CustomExtraKey.CLOSE_BTN_MARGIN_FROM_EDGE,true }, // Left margin of the interstitial ad close button. (Defaults to -28dp) { CustomExtraKey.CLOSE_BTN_LEFT_MARGIN,-28 }, // Top margin of the interstitial ad close button. (Defaults to 20dp) { CustomExtraKey.CLOSE_BTN_TOP_MARGIN,20 }, // Right margin of the interstitial ad close button. (Defaults to 20dp) { CustomExtraKey.CLOSE_BTN_RIGHT_MARGIN,20 }, // Bottom margin of the interstitial ad close button. (Defaults to 0dp) { CustomExtraKey.CLOSE_BTN_BOTTOM_MARGIN,0 }, // Disable interstitial ad exit with a backkey. (Defaults to false) { CustomExtraKey.DISABLE_BACK_BTN,false }, // Whether to show an exit message in interstitial ads. (Defaults to false) { CustomExtraKey.IS_ENDING_AD,false }, // Change the exit ad message. { CustomExtraKey.ENDING_TEXT,"To exit, press the Back button one more time." }, // Change the text size of the exit ad message. { CustomExtraKey.ENDING_TEXT_SIZE,14 }, // Change the text color of the exit ad message. { CustomExtraKey.ENDING_TEXT_COLOR,"#FFFFFFFF" }, // Change the gravity of exit ad message. { CustomExtraKey.ENDING_TEXT_GRAVITY,OAMGravity.RIGHT }, };ad.SetCustomExtras(customExtras);}
Setting an event listener for Interstitial Ads (optional).
/// <summary>/// Register to events the interstital ad may raise./// </summary>privatevoidRegisterEvents(OAMInterstitial ad){ // Raised when an ad is loaded into the interstitial () => {Debug.Log("Interstitial ad loaded."); }; // Raised when the interstitial ad fails to (OAMError error) => {Debug.LogError("Interstitial ad failed to load an ad with error : "+ error); }; // Raised when an ad opened full screen () => {Debug.Log("Interstitial ad has been opened."); }; // Raised when the ad failed to open full screen (OAMError error) => {Debug.LogError("Interstitial ad failed to open an ad with error : "+ error); }; // Raised when the ad closed full screen (CloseEventType closeEventType) => {Debug.LogError("Interstitial ad closed with type : "+ closeEventType); }; // Raised when a click is recorded for an () => {Debug.Log("Interstitial ad was clicked."); };}
Complete all the settings and create the OAMInterstitial.
// These ad units are configured to always serve test ads. privatereadonlystring _placementId ="string your placement ID;"_interstitialAd.Create(_placementId);
Interstitial Ads Load
Call the Load() API for interstitial ads to request an ad from the server.
/// <summary>/// Loads the ad./// </summary>publicvoidLoad(){if (_interstitialAd ==null) {Debug.LogWarning("The interstital ad is null.");return; }_interstitialAd.Load();}
Excessive ad requests can be a reason for blocking, so please be cautious!
Interstitial Ads 노출하기
광고 로드가 완료되면 광고를 노출을 원하는 시점에 Show() API를 호출하여 화면에 노출 시킵니다.
/// <summary>/// Shows the ad./// </summary>publicvoidShow(){if (_interstitialAd !=null&&_interstitialAd.IsLoaded()) {Debug.Log("Showing interstital ad.");_interstitialAd.Show(); }else {Debug.LogError("The Interstitial ad hasn't loaded yet."); }}
Interstitial Ads Memory Destroy
Destroy the memory within the instance of the interstitial ad.