3-2. Interstitial Ads

It is an ad format that covers the entire screen.

Create an instance of the interstitial ad.

private OAMInterstitial interstitial;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    interstitial = new OAMInterstitial( this );

Set the placement ID for the interstitial ad

Apply the PLACEMENT ID issued from the ONE AdMax console as follows.

interstitial.setPlacementId( PLACEMENT_ID );

Request the interstitial ad


Excessive calls to the load() API may lead to blocking.

Display the interstitial ad


Specify the activity for displaying the interstitial ad

By default, interstitial ads are displayed in the Activity where the load API was called. If you want to display the interstitial ad in an Activity other than the one that called the load API, pass the Activity object as an argument to the setCurrentActivity method.

interstitial.setCurrentActivity( activity );

Check whether the interstitial ad has been loaded.

It is called to determine the availability of an ad when loading an interstitial ad.


Set the event listener for the interstitial ad.

Set a listener for events that occur when loading a banner ad.

interstital.setEventListener( new IOAMInterstitialEventListener(){
    public void onLoaded(){                         // 전면 광고 loading 성공
        Log.d( Tag, "interstital load success" );
    public void onLoadFailed( OAMError error ){     // 전면 광고 loading 실패
        Log.d( Tag, "interstitial load failed " + error.toString() );
    public void onOpened(){                         // 전면 광고 open 성공
        Log.d( Tag, "interstital open success" );
    public void onOpenFailed( OAMError error ){     // 전면 광고 open 실패
        Log.d( Tag, "interstitial open failed " + error.toString() );
    public void onClosed( OAMCloseEvent event ){    // 전면 광고 종료
        // 전면 광고 닫기닫기 이벤트가 발생한 방법에 따라 closeEvent를 전달해 줍니다.
        // 단, 미디에이션 광고의 경우에는 확인할 수 없이 Unknown으로 전달됩니다.
        /* public enum OAMCloseEvent {
        Log.d( Tag, "interstital closed " + event );
    public void onClicked(){                        // 전면 광고 클릭
        Log.d( Tag, "interstital clicked" );
} );

Custom options for interstitial ads.

BACKGROUND_COLOR            : 배경색 및 투명도 변경. Color
HIDE_CLOSE_BTN              : 우측 상단 닫기 버튼 노출 여부 설정. default : false
CLOSE_BTN_MARGIN_FROM_EDGE  : 중앙 광고 이미지를 기준으로 마진을 주고 싶은 경우 false로 변경하여 사용. default true.
CLOSE_BTN_LEFT_MARGIN       : 닫기 버튼 좌측 마진. default : -28dp
CLOSE_BTN_TOP_MARGIN        : 닫기 버튼 상단 마진. default : 20dp
CLOSE_BTN_RIGHT_MARGIN      : 닫기 버튼 우측 마진. default : 20dp
CLOSE_BTN_BOTTOM_MARGIN     : 닫기 버튼 하단 마진. default : 0
DISABLE_BACK_BTN            : 백키 종료 사용 안함. deault : false
IS_ENDING_AD                : 종료 메시지 노출 여부. default : false
ENDING_TEXT                 : 종료 메시지. default : "뒤로가기를 한 번 더 누르시면 종료됩니다."
ENDING_TEXT_SIZE            : 종료 메시지 size. default : 11sp
ENDING_TEXT_COLOR           : 종료 메시지 test color. default : white
ENDING_TEXT_GRAVITY         : 종료 메시지 gravity. default : RIGHT

Sample code for interstitial ads.

HashMap map = new HashMap<>();
map.put( OAMInterstitial.CustomExtraData.BACKGROUND_COLOR, Color.TRANSPARENT );
map.put( OAMInterstitial.CustomExtraData.DISABLE_BACK_BTN, true );
map.put( OAMInterstitial.CustomExtraData.HIDE_CLOSE_BTN, true );
// 전면광고를 Ending 배너로 사용하실 경우
map.put(OAMInterstitial.CustomExtraData.IS_ENDING_AD, true);
map.put(OAMInterstitial.CustomExtraData.ENDING_TEXT, "백키를 누르시면 종료됩니다. 감사합니다\n");
map.put(OAMInterstitial.CustomExtraData.ENDING_TEXT_SIZE, 14);
map.put(OAMInterstitial.CustomExtraData.ENDING_TEXT_COLOR, Color.parseColor("#ffffff"));
map.put(OAMInterstitial.CustomExtraData.ENDING_TEXT_GRAVITY, Gravity.RIGHT);
interstital.setCustomExtras( map );

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