It is an ad type that is similar to video ads but does not offer rewards.
Create an Interstitial Video Ads instance
privateOAMInterstitialVideo interstitialVideo;@OverrideprotectedvoidonCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {... interstitialVideo =newOAMInterstitialVideo( this );}
Interstitial Video Ads PLACEMENT ID
Add the following code to set the PLACEMENT ID for the Interstitial Video Ads. The PLACEMENT ID for Interstitial Video Ads can be generated in the ONE AdMax console.
interstitialVideo.setPlacementId( PLACEMENT_ID );
Interstitial Video Ads network schedule timeout
When loading Interstitial Video Ads, a timeout is set for each network (mediation partner). If an ad is not received within the specified time, it will move on to the next network.
Excessive calls to the load() API will result in a block.
Interstitial Video Ads display;
Specify the Activity for displaying Interstitial Video Ads
This is used when displaying Interstitial Video Ads in an activity different from the one where the load() API was called.
interstitialVideo.setCurrentActivity( activity );
Check if the Interstitial Video Ads have been loaded
This is called to check whether the Interstitial Video Ads have been loaded or not.
Interstitial Video Ads event listener
Set up listeners for events that occur when loading Interstitial Video Ads.
interstitalVideo.setEventListener( newIOAMInterstitialVideoEventListener(){ @OverridepublicvoidonLoaded(){ // 전면 비디오 광고 loading 성공Log.d( Tag,"interstitalVideo load success" ); } @OverridepublicvoidonLoadFailed( OAMError error ){ // 전면 비디오 광고 loading 실패Log.d( Tag,"interstitalVideo load failed "+error.toString() ); } @OverridepublicvoidonOpened(){ // 전면 비디오 광고 open 성공Log.d( Tag,"interstitalVideo open success" ); } @OverridepublicvoidonOpenFailed( OAMError error ){ // 전면 비디오 광고 open 실패Log.d( Tag,"interstitalVideo open failed "+error.toString() ); } @OverridepublicvoidonClosed(){ // 전면 비디오 광고 종료Log.d( Tag,"interstitalVideo closed "+ event ); } @OverridepublicvoidonClicked(){ // 전면 비디오 광고 클릭. 일부 미디에이션 광고는 지원 안함Log.d( Tag,"interstitalVideo clicked" ); }} );